Sunday, August 25, 2002


I never purposely? tried the scrapbook thing.... that's one of the things which caught me about this ( page... I've spent a good portion of my life cutting out pictures. Even online, I'm graphics happy with saving stuff.

(pronoun troubles)

Back around '96 I/we were doing some intensive self-therapy, and we started cutting out pictures purposely? for that reason. Yes, the alters first attempt to show you what they look like... or, we attempt to show one another what we look like.

The project, as well as the intensive therapy, stopped when life got a little more crazy for me/us. The pics were saved though, in a box, not separated anymore.

After I/we read that page, shifted/switched and overwhelmed, I/we ended up on my library floor... making piles.

There were 22.

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