Saturday, May 22, 2004

~The little things

I think that I ended up at aX's blog because she read my entry this morning. It's a handy dandy "pro feature". You get to see where your hits come from.

It was an odd experience. One of those moments where you're viewing life through a pinhole.

The first thing that went through my head was "Who are you?"

I still don't know.

She has a "Jx". I think that Jx is like my Sara. It's "the one", y'know? That one you know is out there looking for you, and when you finally find each other, the whole world and all your pain will finally make sense.

I gave up on Sara a while ago. Chalked it up to my warped brain. Figured that if there ever was a Sara, she'd not care for me all that much if she met me now anyway.

I suppose seeing that someone else had a Sara, so to speak, made me feel momentarily saner. Too, the speck of romantic in me is always hoping for a happy ending.

I've met Sara over and over again. She travels. She's a ghost. She comes through others... then she goes. She's everyone and no one. I follow the clues... the hints... the breadcrumbs. I'm a ghost to her... as she does the same.

How dreadfully sappy.

but, for a moment... I saw life through a pinhole, and my heart beat faster, and for a moment, life was dreadfully exciting.

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