Monday, May 3, 2004

~Yay! I puked!

It's rare that I drink to the point of actually being drunk, but last night I did succeed. It must've been something in the air. On the way to the bar, while depositing my recyclables into the handy dandy recycle dumpster, I witnessed one of my neighbors falling down a small hill. Didn't spill a drop of the 40 he was walking around with though. GOOD BOY! Gotta have priorities in life!

So, after a 6 pack of Natural Ice, 2 Rolling Rocks, and 2 Vodka & Tomatoes, I (and my trusty spoon) placed ourselves comfortably on a pillowcase, in front of my friend the toilet bowl, and regurgitated salad.

Quite colorful.

Who the fuck had the audacity to cover The Cure?

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