Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Dragon Con (Board gathering) - 1

"Dragon Con 2004, America's largest annual convention for fans of science fiction, fantasy and horror, comics and art, games and computers, animation, science, music, television and films, will be held Friday through Monday, September 3rd-6th, 2004 (309 days away) in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Four-Day Memberships available!

$45 through 11/14/2003
$50 through 2/13/2004
$60 through 5/14/2004
$70 through 7/15/2004
$85 thereafter, and at-the-door"

I'm on a "Starving for Dragon Con" budget.

I know how expensive this trip is. (Con tickets aside, there's transportation, hotel and FOOD.)

So (hint hint hint) anyone else saving their pennies?

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