Sunday, July 7, 2002

Boys Don't Cry (pt 1)

Whenever people who do not label themselves, or who are not labeled "Trans"-anything speak of Trans issues, they speak of "them". It's always "They deserve their rights", or "They are all sick", or "They're ok, just as long as they stay away from me." Even on (my) board, when a topic is posted about "trans" issues, people don't post because they feel that they are a "they". It's not "we", it's "they". Worse yet, some people don't even read the thread for that reason.

Before getting to the primary reason this seems pretty darn wrong to me, let me say this: Humanity is a "we". When a person who wears a different label than you suffers, it's still human suffering. Above that, when a person you call "friend" is concerned about something, it concerns you... or, it should. Maybe it's presumptuous of me, but when someone you care about is concerned about something, it should at least interest you.

That aside, there is another reason I wanted to point out. "Trans" issues concern everyone. If a law is passed that makes it illegal to discriminate against Transgendered or transsexual people, that law protects everyone. I've yet to meet a person who is not, to some extent, "transgendered". Everyone has things about them that are deemed the "opposite" of their assigned sex by the almighty rule book from hell.

Gay people are transgendered. Men are not supposed to desire men sexually.
Lesbians are transgendered. Women are not supposed to desire women sexually.
Bisexuals are transgendered. Men are supposed to desire women sexually and women are supposed to desire men sexually. Period.

It's not the GLBT community. It's the T community.

Thinking... "but wait! I'm not Gay, Lesbian, or even Bi!"?

Well, if you have pants on, you'd better be a man. Pants are for men. Women are supposed to wear dresses, and that dress better be pink. Pink is for girls, and blue is for boys.

Did you go to work today? I hope you're a man, because a woman's place is in the kitchen.

Feminists are transgendered.
Women are transgendered.

I hope that none of you guys shaved your face today. Men have facial hair. What are you trying to do, look like a girl?

I hope that you haven't made yourself anything to eat or washed your clothing lately. That's women's work.

Men are transgendered.

The guy who wrapped his car around a tree last night, who thought it was manly to drink half a keg and then drive home... I think that his parents might agree that gender stereotypes are a bit dangerous.

WE are all transgendered. There may be 3 people on the planet that are not. A stereotype is not the easiest thing to achieve. WE all need to be interested in "trans" issues.

There is no "they". Even those 3 people who fit today's stereotype might not fit it tomorrow.

Please read. Please write. Please be aware.

With love,

One of "them".

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