Tuesday, July 23, 2002

(The soul of the matter)

1) Do you believe in the concept of "soul"?
Yes, I believe in the "concept". Then, I'm weird like that... I believe in everything, and nothing, all at once. There's really not concrete proof that there is a soul, but if there's not, then... what am I? Where am I? If I'm just a brain... I can't be just a brain...

If I think too much on it, I get closer to the ugly side of "insanity".

2) If so, where does the "soul" reside? Is it in your consciousness or in your brain, or maybe it's in your body...or maybe it's a combination of these things. Maybe your soul needs your brain and body in order to be YOUR soul...if your body or brain dies, is your soul gone or is it still there?
If there actually is a soul, then it resides... well... everywhere. It just chooses to stay in a specific body in order to best do what it must do.

3) If you could live forever but lose your soul, would you? (Ah-ha, this relates back to vampires no?)
I don't think that if there is a soul, that you could "lose" it. You ARE your soul. If YOU leave the body you chose to occupy, that's one thing... but you'd still be you. It's your body that would change... and it wouldn't be yours anymore. (...along the lines of moving/relocating to a new home.)

Hope that made some sort of sense.

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