Tuesday, November 11, 2003


Some days are better than others. Today I feel frozen. I'm cold because I can't use my heat. I dealt last Winter... I can deal this one... but that's not what's freezing me, at the moment.

I don't know what it is. I go on some sort of overload if I have to deal with more than one thing a day. Today I was supposed to work out, and then get to my shrink session. I've yet to work out. In fact, I've yet to do anything. I haven't even turned on the tv. I've played game after game of Minesweeper, only half caring whether or not I win. I've watched people come and go on the board. I hid in bed from the cold for a little while.

I haven't eaten. I drank a few cups of coffee, and had a protein shake about an hour ago.

I can't even get myself to the point of scraping the fuzz off of my face or getting into the shower.

My head is noisy... music and mumbling. The only outside noise is the sound of the ceramic space heater I just turned on.

Life feels abstract.

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