Thursday, November 27, 2003

The last Thursday

I hate this holiday. I hate most holidays. This one makes me more bitter than most. Then, I spend all day beating myself up about being bitter. Such a "feel good" day this is.

One big FUCK YOU goes out to the assholes who share my DNA.

I'm thankful for A2, and for my brother in Mackerelhood, S. I'm thankful for L., who I get to see every few months. I'm thankful for the section 8 housing program. I'm thankful that I was blessed with a good amount of restraint and self control, otherwise I'd be locked up. I'm thankful for my computer. I'm thankful for SSD. I'm thankful for football. I'm thankful for a lot of things, really. I'm thankful every day.

Today, there are MANY people who should be thankful that I do have restraint and don't have a firearm.

Maybe they'll remember to be thankful for that before eating their turkey, which I honestly hope tastes like shit.

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