Monday, November 24, 2003

War Stats

It's tough to know what to believe. I guess that unless you're over there, you don't really know what it's like. That's a lot of dead people though... quite a few more than say, the WTC thingee. Puts what they must be feeling towards us in another perspective. In September of 2001, we were ready to nuke the bastards responsible (emotionally speaking). I suppose this is like 9/01 for many of them... times 4. We kill about 8,000 Iraqis because we disagree with their lifestyle?

I dunno. I can't say that I care for their lifestyle, generally speaking, but I don't know that killing that many people will convince them that there are other, more fun lifestyles. In fact, I think that what we're doing over there is actually creating more terrorists. (Can you imagine the residual effects of this crap on the kids over there?)

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