Thursday, April 8, 2004

Retro Topic #4

original topic posted 03/28/04 @3:39 PM

If you call yourself a "Were" or a "Vampire", what does that mean to you? Can you explain it so that people who are not familiar with the terms or states of being can better understand?

from topics originally posted by:
LO2 (11/18/00 2:49 pm) and M. (11/21/00 6:03 pm)

Why I call myself a "Were" - the short version: Werewolf - ManWolf - Mix of human and animal and/or one who shifts between the two. Me = Polywere - Many aspects - some human, some "other" - I shift between them, sometimes by choice, sometimes not. "Were" (also, to me) = Person who shifts between and/or is a combination of human and non-human animal, also the "modern" word for "Shaman". I used to explain myself to others as "having Shaman's blood". I learned the term "Were" online. It worked for me. "Poly" came in because that too made sense.

Wolf is my "primary". That is to say, most of my shifting, if it involves an animal, involves wolf. Like Sv, I had the whole dream thing go on. That happened a lot about 10 years ago... not so much anymore. Animal dreams (being shifted in dreams) has been happening all my life, but the really powerful wolf ones happened around 1993 or '94.

Aside from wolf, the most common are raven (maybe hawk or Eagle... all I know is that it's a larger bird of prey), bear, I'm pretty sure it's some sort of cat (maybe panther, Jaguar, lion...) and rabbit... although (honestly) I think I could shift to deer tick if I wanted to. Many of my shifts are rather vague. I don't remember a lot of details. I've spent the last 10 years or so doing intensive work in "controlling" the whole shifting thing. I've come to the conclusion that it's less about controlling as it is about accepting and "making friends" with.

I have a theory about "Were" being what humans are evolving towards, but there are holes in the theory so big that you can ride an elephant through them. All I can say for certain is that Weres are different from the majority of humans, in a big way.

Rules that seem to fit?

1. Above average intelligence
2. Trauma history
3. "Psychic" and or "Empathic" ability. (non-verbal communication)
4. Duality or pluralism of ego (?) involving non-human animal/s
(I don't want to say it, but I really do consider shifting to be a "requirement".)
5. Alcoholism, seriously, I think there really is something to it.

Jon's controversial theory of the decade?

All Real Vampires are Weres.


The reasons why I stared calling myself a Vampire (going back to 1983)

Blood lust - since drinking tons of my own as a child (about 6 or 7 or so)... (Vampire = blood drinker)
Reincarnation - had vivid past life memories from a very young age (at least 14) (Vampire = live forever)
anti church - I was violently against the church. Priests sent me into a "rage". (Vampire = church = AAAAAAH!!!!)
solitary - I was always a loner (Vampires do not travel in groups, they're loners, PERIOD.)
ESP - (Vampires can psychically control others... hypnotize, seduce, etc.)
shifting (Vampires can turn into bats, wolves, other creatures)
effects of B12 deficiency - (Vampires are pale and have sunken eyes and receding gums... and not a lot of energy unless well fed... and CRAVE BLOOD)
slept in closets (Vampires sleep in coffins)
youthful in appearance (Vampires don't age)
nocturnal - (Vampires = light = AAAAAAAAAH!!!!!)
dreamwalker - (see ESP above)
Ability to blend although very different - (Vampires can turn into smoke... vanish... not cast shadow or reflection)
Very quiet in motion (see above)
morbidity - (Vampires = death, undead, dark, etc.)
different than others - (Vampires most certainly are)
teeth - mine are very thin and sharp, and I have a strong jaw (fangs. duh.)

and so.... to go back to shifting....

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