Lessee...I hadn't realized before that there was an actual difference intended by the two different spellings, i.e. "psi" and "psy". I was under the impression they meant the same thing. Is this something unique to you, or common in the vamp subculture? I used "psy" as short for "psychic" not "psychological"; it sounds like that's what you mean by "psi".
Also: taking and giving? Okay. I thought that being a taker only was the defining characteristic of vampirism. Could you (or anyone who feels like it) elaborate on this a little for me? What is being given back to the donor/victim, and how, exactly?
The term "Psychological Vampire" has been used a lot, although I'll be damned if I can quote sources. I think that they're also referred to as "Emotional Vampires", but I'm not even too sure on that. I do remember seeing the term used long before "Psi" though, albeit not in the "Real" Vampire context. "Psi", in my experience, is more Internet specific, but I'm sure it came from somewhere. To me "Psi" means energy based shtuff. "Psy" is more mental shtuff. From what I've read (online) most people do distinguish between the two, but there are a lot of people who see "Psy" as short for "Psychic". (I think that LaVey actually went into "Psychic Vampires" in one book or another.) From what I know "Psi" actually is short for something... might be "psionic" energy or something like that.
I think that it's similar to "Vampire" and "Vampyre". Depending on the person, the definitions vary. To me, "Vampyre" was always a role player or costumer... but after surfing the net for a while, I found that many use "Vampyre" to mean "Real Vampire".

So, it may be my thing, but I got it from somewhere. ;)
As for giving... well, even in Vampire Lore the Vampire can create Vampires by giving his/her own blood. To me, it's about "mastering" energy. Taking alone isn't "mastering" anything. If you can't use what you have, what's it worth?
Even the run of the mill ("blood") Vampire gives to the donor. The (willing) donor gets a charge from donating. Not that the run of the mill Vampire has any clue that they're doing it, but it is being done. IMO a Psi-Vamp has the ability to harness that... to be able to charge people as easily as they can drain them. Too, they have the ability to stop draining people. A "psy" Vamp feels like a leech to people around them, and they're not even trying. (I know you've been around people like that. ;) ) A Psi Vamp can control that... they take when it's there to take, and give when it's needed by those they deem worthy. A little pompous maybe, but then... that's part of the whole Vampire thing.
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