Wednesday, April 7, 2004

("Freud" cont'd further - Bondage)

I've always wondered if one's desire to tie women up ends there... if there's a desire to do harm... to kill... to do not so nice things. The whole bondage thing ties into my current "sexuality" thread, hence my coming back to this thread.

I suppose that people are into S/M or B/D for various reasons... get different things out of it. For me, I've found that it's a game I play with myself (not that I share this with my partner)... it's about how far I can get to my own line without crossing it... How far can I let myself go before the "safe word" is moot... How close to ending up having to dispose of a body can I get without actually getting there.

It's rather "unhealthy" for me. It's not a desire to "play". It's a desire to hurt/kill... and every time I allow myself to participate in S/M - B/D the danger is there that I will lose control of myself. So... it becomes a game... how close to the line can I get.

It's a game that I've recently wanted not to play anymore, because I don't feel that I can approach the line without crossing it.

Best to avoid the temptation.

I do wonder about other "tops" though... what's behind it for them...

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