Wednesday, April 28, 2004

~Up yet down

Can't sleep. Head is all over the place.

Salem's Lot is on my tv. I'm not watching it. It's background noise.

Been playing Populous. I'm rather addicted. It's my favorite computer game. It's an OCD (or anal retentive) person's wet dream, once you have the cheat code. ...rows and rows of houses... piles of wood... shape the land... even better than Tetris.

Been doing a little better with the beer. A little. Tonight I'm drinking, but yesterday I didn't.

There's something very relaxing about playing Populous and drinking beers. The head gets a break... things are calm for a while. ...shift of gears from the earlier therapy session and the watching of Law & Order SVU. Nothing like people who have no clue attempting to handle the issue of the right to commit suicide. Made me very angry. NBC has been getting really Right Wing lately. Even E.R. has pissed me off.


I've watched more T.V. in the last 2 years than I ever wanted to watch in my whole life.

...We've got nothing better to do......

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