Saturday, September 3, 2005

314pm090305 ~comments

(in "tired" entry)

I really feel badly for those folks in New Orleans. I wonder how many will even go back?

(My reply)
I'd go back. If it was my home, I think that the anger alone would push me back. I tend to be loyal to things.

I hope that these people get the money and supplies people are sending. It pisses me off that, usually, they don't.

I am thank you my bed, my floor, my roof, my everything....I have migranes too Cutter. I take Topamax as a preventative on a daily basis. They tried to give me imitrex but i am very allergic!

(My reply)
Most drugs don't work, with me. The migraines are Neurological, from my MS. Sometimes an 800 mg Motrin helps, as it reduces swelling, but generally, I just have to ride them out. :\

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