Saturday, September 17, 2005

~get off or get out

I don't think that I wrote a whole hell of a lot this time last year either. Must be the whole September thing.

The news is still distressing me. People are still there waiting on tents, for crying out loud. ...but the businesses are reopening.... and don't you worry, we'll "revive" the area... thank you very much President Numnuts.

I miss Bill Clinton. I miss the 90's. I miss that feeling of "everything's going to be ok". That whole thing pissed me the fuck off. Personally, I don't care if he lies about it, I prefer my President well sucked off. He's the last person on the planet I want sexually frustrated. Shit, I'll suck the President's dick if it'll mean I don't have to worry about the rest of the world wanting to nuke us.

Bill Clinton was on CNN, last night, talking with Larry King. It made me feel sad.

If Hillary runs, in the next Presidential election, I'll vote for her. I'll risk getting called for Jury Duty over it, just like I did attempting to keep this fucking idiot out of office.

I cling to my faith in GOOD. I cling to my belief that, eventually, this too shall pass. That's all the religion I've got.

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