Monday, October 24, 2005

~Here we go

I'm going on about 3 hours sleep. This is not good. I'm going to need all the energy I can get to make sure that I don't fall down when I get in there. It's a "private outpatient clinic", whatever that means. As long as they can do the IV, and maybe help me to update my DNR with the correct address, I'm good. If I fall, they'll send me across the street to the hospital. That will suck, big time.

My skin is already itchy. Solu-Medrol can make your skin itchy. My stomach is bothering me. Solu-Medrol upsets your stomach. This should be fun.

Just letting y'all know, I might be a bit of a prick over the next week or two, if I can manage to stay out of the hospital and manage to post here. Don't take it personal. Steroids can make a person be like that... to say nothing of MS. :/

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