Thursday, February 23, 2006

February 23, 2006

7:54 AM - 2/23/06
~Cawfee Tawk

I don't even know why I'm up. Despite the beer I drank and the Ambien I took last night, I didn't get much sleep. I'm racing.. and (duh) drinking coffee? I don't know. Maybe I'm hoping that if I o.d. on "UP!", I'll crash.

I have to, somehow, get ready for next week. If nothing else, I need to start prepping my mouth. I'm thinking that if I attack any existing infection in there, maybe it won't be such a problem once the Solu-Medrol goes to work on kicking the poo out of my immune system. Last time, it hurt really REALLY bad. My teeth felt like razors.

My arm is still black and blue from when the ER idiot blew the vein. I hope that they'll stay away from that one when they put the IVs in. Begging is in order, I suppose. "Can you please just use my forearms?" might work. Who knows. I might get lucky.

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