Sunday, February 5, 2006

February 5, 2006

3:25 PM - 2/5/06
~Crap for brains

It's the second or third day of migraines. They stop for a while, but then come back. Blood Pressure headaches, maybe. Haven't felt too much like sitting at the computer, or writing. There's a few hours before the Super Bowl comes on tv. I'm already tired. With my luck, I'll fall asleep while trying to watch. That would suck. I wait all year for those commercials.

Just heard a plane fly over. Sounded Military. I was in PA, near a couple of bases, around the 9/11 thing. It was spooky. Some of the planes I saw were like things from nightmares. One of them was flying very low, and it was the largest plane I'd ever seen... and I didn't hear a thing. Spooky quiet.

There's some crap in the news about Iran. Sounds way too much like the Iraq crap. That's all it is to me, I suppose. Crap. It's as real to me as ER and CSI. I think that's what a lot of the countries in the Middle East are bothered by... the fact that our lives... American lives, are so much different from theirs. ...and it's not just about them thinking that we all live like Michael Jackson and J-Lo.... it's about the fact that to the majority of us, it may as well be ER or CSI... and the fact that many of us know more about ER, CSI, and Mortal Combat than we do about what's actually going on over there. I guess... it's about the fact that to them, it seems like none of us care about the hell that they're going through... or maybe that they see us as the cause of a lot of the hell they're going through.

So, do I care? I guess. ...but I also care about the fact that Dr. Carter is coming back to Chicago from the Congo, or wherever it was that he went to be with that woman he was in love with, and Abby's pregnant and back with Luca.

Yeah... God bless America. We need it, and nobody else wants to.

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