Sunday, February 26, 2006

February 26, 2006

12:07 PM - 2/26/06
~leg room

Actually, I think that I can get used to this layout. I like that it's simple, and seemingly less cluttered.

Sometimes, less is more. I think that when it comes to blogs, that's my own personal preference. Too many graphics and links make me feel overwhelmed, so I tend not to hit blogs that have a lot of that sort of thing going on. I go to blogs to read what the author writes, and sometimes what they write gets lost in everything else that's going on. I suppose that I just set my own blog up to conform to my own preferences.

I think that makes sense.

9:40 PM - 2/26/06
~Tube Squooshing

I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm not too good with that. I think that alarms are evil and wrong and just downright unhealthy. Anyway, I know that they're not healthy for me. Damn things give me a near heart attack. ...and I don't sleep well. ...and if my sleep is interupted by anyone or anything, I get REALLY cranky.

You wouldn't like me when I'm cranky.

...but, I have to. Unfortunately, I don't get to go make the donuts. Instead, I have to go sit in a chair with a tube in my vein which will pump chemicals into my bloodstream. Joy.

As much as I know that I should not be drinking anything that might dehydrate me or screw with my blood pressure, I'm going to have a few beers. One more, after this one here. I have to try to get, at least, a little sleep. Once the crap is in my veins, it won't be anywhere near easy. Wish I could sleep on my back. Maybe that way the IV wouldn't bother me so much. I can't though. I sleep on my front, with my arms pulled up. Just the right position to squoosh the IV thingee.

Well, whatever the case, it's still a bazillion times better than dealing with the hospital. The hospital is even more evil and wrong than alarm clocks are.

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