Monday, December 12, 2005

December 12, 2005

6:54 AM - 12/12/05
~Winning Lottery Ticket

Fuck me if this is all the luck I get.



4:49 PM - 12/12/05

I'm completely drained. Not that it was a bad day, but I'm not the "penguin behind a sushi bar" I used to be.

For a holiday gift, my best friend got me a printer/scanner/copier. (MUCH thanks to her!) It's currently behaving well... sitting on my floor.

It was just a lot for one day... showering, going to Staples to look at desks, the food store, laundry... I know, doesn't sound like much, but these days?... just going to the bathroom takes effort for me.

I'm hoping to get the printer hooked up tomorrow. I think that I'll just put it on one of the folding chairs I have. Until I get a desk, that's about the best I can do. I really need the desk. The table I'm using is drooping in the middle. I saw one that I liked today, but the thought of assembling it sent me into a panic. I can't even do my damn laundry... shit, I'm lucky if I can spell "laundry" half the time. I'll think on it some more... and do some more looking around. One thing at a time, I suppose.

It's just a really awkward thought process... Even more so than my bed, my desk is the place I spend the most time. I want to get something I like. I don't want to get something cheap, just because it's cheap. I want a nice desk, not one that I'll have to, or want to, replace any time soon ...but good desks are heavy, and I'm not known for my ability to stay in one place very long. Cheap is usually lighter. ok... stupid thought process... if I have to move from here, I won't be the one carrying anything.... but that's not the point... It's about being a "burden". If I have to move from here, moving ME will take someone some work, let alone all my stuff.

I don't know what I'm talking about. It made sense this morning.

Gee, do I ever feel like shit. I think that I hear the television calling.

10:44 PM - 12/12/05

10:44PM - ILiveInMassiveJewZits Time

ok, this is the beginning of the story....

It's almost 11PM. I'm on my fifth(?) Bloody Mary. I had to fix 3 typos in that last bit of text.

I know that I have to hook up the printer tomorrow. I WANT to hook up the printer tomorrow.

I can do this...

I played Snood.

It's time for The Daily Show.

My feet hurt. It feels like I'm walking on broken glass.

I liked that song... Annie Lennox...



A FUCKING RERUN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


ok, how 'bout this... instead of giving Colbert his own show, how about giving him all the days you're scheduled off?

He's funny... but he's not THAT funny...

Nevermind this play by play. If I roll out of bed... good. If I hook up the printer. woohoo. If I just sleep off the Bloody Marys.... well....

I guess being disabled has its fucking perks.


I swear I'll continue this story tomorrow...

I HOPE I'll continue this story tomorrow.

It'll probably suck.

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