Friday, December 2, 2005

December 2, 2005

6:19 AM - 12/2/05
~I mean You mean

...and it's morning.

Been up since 4AM or so. Slept from about 12 to 1:30, then again after a smoke. Got out of bed to start paying bills... almost fell going to make the coffee. Not a good thing. I have to do the foodstore thing again today.

I don't know the difference between "fatigue" and "tired". It's sort of like not knowing the difference between "bad headache" and "migraine". It's all just language... What (or whom) exactly am I supposed to compare myself to? I don't know how other people feel. I'm not them. It's like going through life thinking that I slept normally. How was I supposed to know that people actually meant that they didn't wake up when they said they slept for 8 hours? It's not exactly the sort of question that comes to mind. I just assumed that everyone else slept like I did. BIG epiphany when, in my twenties, I found out that people actually DID mean they slept 8 hours IN A ROW. Silly me and my naps.

It's like being asked by Neurodude if I have trouble urinating... how exactly am I supposed to know how other people piss? ...or "pins and needles"... Maybe I just call it "falling asleep" when my scalp feels that way... or my teeth, or my arms, or my legs...


You think that you know what I'm saying.

I appreciate the effort.

I try just as hard.

I think.

6:53 AM - 12/2/05
The hit count (2)


2:41 PM - 12/2/05
~Battle Damage Nessie

Today, I found out that I do indeed have the "Battle Damage" model of Nessie.

She beat up a car because it was trying to run us over.

Nessie will have a scar, but I think the old lady might think twice before driving again.

If you can't see to drive, DON'T!!!!

If it wasn't for Nessie, I'd be in the hospital right now... or dead.

Nessie rocks.

4:56 PM - 12/2/05
I replied to a comment in "I mean You mean"

I think that non-human animals communicate more effectively... then, they're more honest.

5:00 PM - 12/2/05
I commented to RavensWings in "Battle Damage Nessie"

You saw it! You can vouch for Nessie! That lady really would have run me over!!! Nessie's only a BIATCH when she has to be. Right, Nessie? Nessie? ummmm.... She's sulking. I think her neck hurts.

@5:29 PM - 12/2/05

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it is "who the hell are you?" If it doesn't, I won't be any the wiser because I won't remember a damn thing.

Remember to stop and smell those red things with the spines.

Take time for your friends, otherwise you'll forget who they are.

Where there's smoke there's fire...from my dinner that I forgot was on the stove.

What doesn't kill us makes us weaker.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of ... that place in the house where you keep all of the food? With the fridge?

What doesn't kill you, often hurts you alot.

it is better to have loved and lost than never to have oh, sorry, lost my train of thought.

what does not kill you eventually will.

cold hands mean a warm heart. obviously NOT a person married to someone with ms.

you can not understand another person until you have walked a mile in their shoes. also applicable if you have not ever crapped your pants or pushed yourself a mile with their rollator.

busy fingers, busy mind.....okie...try it with numb fingers and holes in your brain numb nuts.

take time with your friends..... when most of them find out you're sick you won't have to waste anymore time with them..... they will avoid you like the plague.

there are no greater pains than the burdens of the heart.....tell that to the pain shooting up my face and in my legs asshole.

interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. this is a very comforting thought -- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things....particularly those with ms.

the greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other persons...especially if one does not have a chronic disease.

it is always brave to say what everyone thinks.....the only problem is if you keep the company of idiots.

the gods too are fond of a joke...and in our case they are laughing their asses off.

nothing can bring you peace but yourself, and some really good painkillers.

there is more to life than increasing its speed, which is why we have motorized scooters..... just to keep up you know.

no sane man will dance...nor will a ms patient.

Limp softly, but carry a big cane.

When the going gets tough, the tough stay home.

Been everywhere, seen it all, can't remember a damn thing.

It's unfair and ungrammatical if you talk about putting your best foot forward when you have MS and are trying to impersonate a quadraped.

When one door shuts, don't worry, another one will be slamming in your face soon.

The severity of the itch is proportional to the ability to reach.

Diarrhea waits for no man.

Like most constipated people, I really don't give a shit.

A penny saved is a penny that'll be spent on your co-pay later.

I think, what was I trying to say?

7:04 PM - 12/2/05

I wasn't in the tute in December of '87, it was December of '86. oops

In December of '87, I was working at the IRS.

7:55 PM - 12/2/05
replied to a comment in "Battle Damage Nessie"

...I hear you. I can laugh now, but at the time... I wasn't. If she wasn't elderly... grrrr It just came too close. She really did almost run me over. If I'd been a child, or without a cane... not funny at all. Nessie rocks though. She breaks the tension. :\

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