Wednesday, November 2, 2005

155pm110205 ~comment

(in "Social Sescrewity")

You dont have a couch? I have an idea for that. Post something on craig's list or something else that is free and just say that you are willing to take a couch off of someone's hands if they'll bring it to you. You never know....I find that people are often trying to get rid of old couches.

(my reply)
...and all the bugs and mites that come with them. :\ Seriously though, I'm a little cautious when it comes to used stuff. I have a REALLY bad immune system. It's a nice idea, though... and I thank you for the thought. Right now, I don't have much of anything. :\ I have a bed, a tv, a warped table that I have this laptop on, and 4 chairs that go with it. That's about it. Eventually, I suppose, I'll manage to find some "bargains". In the meantime... well... at least the floor is carpeted. :)

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