Sunday, November 13, 2005

~Guard your ankles

I don't feel as full of rage today. I feel odd though... it's this weird cross between nefarious and megalomaniacal. The other day, I'd kill you with a butter knife. Today, I'd simply order someone to do the job for me.

...hence my not really wanting to write.

Sometimes, I get really full of myself... too full of myself.

It only takes a little while to pass though. Inevitably, someone, even unknowingly, knocks me back down to elf.

After seeing my picture today, someone mentioned that I look like "a killer". It was a compliment to me though... after saying that, they asked if I'd seen "Oz". Holy hard-on, Batman! Am I that hot? (truly chuckling out loud)

Yes, I am a killer. I'm killing myself. I'm attacking myself. I'm devouring the myelin off of my own nerves.

All that metaphor aside though... could I kill?

Well... that's not something to rant or muse about in public. If I say "yes", I'm suspect. If I say "no", I'm a coward.

I'll leave it at "maybe".

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