Wednesday, June 2, 2004

~Even Now

It's been a long day. I'm tired. I keep getting booted off line (Thanks a bunch Juno) and I'm getting cranky about that.

Barry Manilow is singing on the tv (Music Choice, 70s station, Digital Cable thingee). He's telling me that we're like Ships that pass in the night. how perky.

I love Barry. Anytime I want to feel good and depressed about being screwed over by this, that or the other lover in my life... Barry does the job. There's nothing like a good round of feeling sorry for yourself to get the blood pumping.

Well, before him was Abba... telling me that I was a Dancing Queen. P'shaw! I don't think so! I just do NOT dance!

Yeah. Getting goofy.

Better visit my pillows soon.


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