Friday, June 4, 2004

~Trusting the Dog

When did it become necessary to tell people not to beat their dogs, tease the crippled, respect women, etc.? In my opinion, that should just go without saying!

Persecution has existed, it seems, forever. Christians do it/did it, Jews, The Romans, The Egyptians. At first thought, one could simply blame the "Patriarchy", but persecution is not a men only sport.

One can only assume that it is the nature of humanity to be cruel.

Is it nature, or nurture which makes people cruel? Is it that somewhere back there, there was a cruel person, and from that person thousands of generations learned that being cruel was acceptable?

The chicken, or the egg?

I cannot come up with an answer. I don't know that it's necessary though. To me, no matter which it is/was, the problem still exists, and that problem (in so far as I'm concerned) must be dealt with.

So... I set about correcting the problem. That is... I correct myself. I refuse to be "human". I will change my nature or correct my nurture, no matter what the cost.

THAT is the next step in evolution... because if it doesn't happen, our "species" will not survive. We don't need longer arms or sharper teeth. We need empathy. We need compassion. We need intelligence. It's our brains that must evolve.

The thing about life is that where there is a need, nature takes care of it.

We need to evolve.

Nature will see to it that we do.

I AM nature.

I am becoming. I am the alpha and the omega.

I am their darkness.

I am the true light.

(originally written 1/10/02)

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