Wednesday, March 29, 2006

~deja vu, all over again

6:49 PM - 3/29/06

Been really tired today. Haven't been able to sleep though. The weather is changing, and that always kicks my ass. ...or, more like, my brain. My guess is that I'll have to turn the a/c on soon. It's just too hot in here. It's about 78 degrees in here right now. Too hot.

I think that I'm depressed. The world moves on without me. I sit here, in my apartment, living vicariously through other people. Showering is an event.

The letters on the keys of my laptop disappear. The "e", the "s", the "n", the "c", the "d", the "g", the "l", and the "m". I use white out in an attempt to replace the letters.

Time passes. This thing is outdated. It's all I've got though, so I have to keep it running. It huffs and puffs, but it works.

This is my life.

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