Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Record this, asshole

6:15 AM - 3/14/06

Well, I'm glad that R. fixed the hit counter. I knew that it wasn't possible to be getting negative amounts of hits. In the last 24 hours or so, the ~blog hit counter counted about 900 hits. Given, some of them were mine, and it was a rather busy day, but shoot... even if my daily hit count is half that, I'm impressed.

/// pissed me off yesterday. It's just the wrong week to be playing Mr. Intellectual with me. Dude fucked up as a father, that's just the way it happened. I think that I'd prefer he just admit it and stop trying to justify it... especially on my blog. He made a complete ass of himself, and did nothing to convince anyone that he's even worthy of any respect. Jk.'s been wanting to rip him a new one for months now. I told her to go for it. I'm done tip-toeing around him. What an asshole. ...and that passive/aggressive thing he does? Completely fucked up.

I have a bitch of a headache. It was a drink every beer in the house sort of night. (to say nothing of the hard liquor.)

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