Wednesday, March 29, 2006

~Yet, here I am.

(8:10 AM - 3/29/06)

I suppose that I don't really have to post anything from 2004 or 2005 or 2006. The archives are here. There's plenty to read. I said that I would though, so I'll somehow have to manage to find something that's not already archived here.

It was in 2004 that I was diagnosed with MS. I was in Bumfuck, Montana. I was completely blind in my right eye. My left eye was bad. My brain was on fire.

I don't really believe in God the way most others do. To me, everyone and everything is God. God is within and without. "They" say that things happen for a reason. Some say that God doesn't do things to you... that God does things for you.

Often, I want to strangle God with his own intestines.

God bitch-slapped me in 2004.

So, like a good Cutter, I picked up my diagnosis and turned the other cheek.

On a mountain in Montana, in the Winter time, blind in one eye, and in the most unhealthy relationship of my entire life...

I didn't kill anyone, and I didn't kill myself.

Bunny can attest to that.

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