Sunday, March 5, 2006

March 5, 2006

8:08 AM - 3/5/06
~Marlboro Men

I don't remember the last time I actually went to see a movie. I'm pretty sure that it was in 2002, but not positive. There are a million and one reasons why I haven't been able to, but none of those are because I don't enjoy movies.

That said, although I didn't see any of this year's bunch of films, I'm looking forward to watching the Oscars tonight. Why? I'm no fan of award shows. "Popular opinion" is crap to me. F.A.T. I'm watching it because Jon Stewart is hosting it, and Jon Stewart cracks me the fuck up.

Good call, Oscar people. You got one more viewer than you had last year.

I'll be rooting for Brokeback Mountain. I have no clue what the hell the movie was about, but from what I can gather it had to do with enlightening people. I'm still laughing at the fact that it never occured to people that there were Gay Cowboys. First, where the hell do you think Gay guys went to get the hell away from that which was repressing them back then? Second, what the hell do you think that men did out there on the range without women? Right, they were screwing the sheep. Yeah. That makes sense. Lastly, but most importantly, "Cowboys" were normal men. About 10% of normal men are Gay. It's simple math.

"Gay Man" doesn't mean "Feminine Man". It just means that you're a man who is happy to partner with other men, if you find the right one. For a lot of guys, the right one enjoys being just as disgustingly masculine as humanly possible, just the same as their prefered partners do.

6:09 PM - 3/5/06

Yeah, I'm sick.

"Flaring" What an interesting word. I don't like it. It implies, when one says, "I'm flaring.", that there is a time when one is not. I'm always "active". There's always one lesion or another that's humping my brain.

Right now, things are really fucking bad.

I'm not nice.

Pain. Yeah... whatever. "On a scale of one to ten, how do you rate your pain?"

Well, I'd say it's about a FUCK YOU!!!

On a scale of one to ten, I often hit ten. Five is, "I just sliced my body to ribbons with razor blades." Any more questions, asshole?

My brain is burning.

I'm not nice.

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